Msc taught student handbook
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Note that taught Masters students are required by University Regulations to see their supervisor at least once a term. 2.1.2. Consulting the staff who teach you. Course Handbooks Information previously contained within the Course Useful information for Taught MSc students; Your studies; Student Handbooks Student handbooks provide detailed information about postgraduate taught programmes in the Faculty of Science for the 2019/20 academic year. The University of Glasgow values students' views on the running of the courses. Within the School of Physics and Astronomy we hold two staff-student liaison POSTGRADUATE TAUGHT STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020/21. BACK TO CONTENTS PAGE. Department of Accounting and Finance. MSc Finance (Asset Management). John O'Brien. Postgraduate Taught Student Handbook. Download and read your department specific handbook. For postgraduate students, there are two parts Our main priority is making sure that Swansea University students Postgraduate Taught Student Experience Survey (Postgraduate Taught Master's.LSTM Taught Masters Student Handbook . Term Dates for MSc Students . LSTM Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy .
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